Part 1: "Biblical Marriage"
This section has 4 videos.
Each one covers one of the passages that help define what people mean by "Biblical marriage," for those who use that label.

Genesis 1:28 Trailer
Genesis 1:28
So many people are familiar with that line, "be fruitful and multiply!" But are they aware of its complex context? Do you understand what this passage was likely really "up to"?
This is an honest, and perhaps surprising, engagement with what is happening in the well-worn "be fruitful and multiply" command in Genesis 1:28.
Genesis 2:24
Did "Adam & Eve" get married?
An honest look at what is happening in this verse and Genesis 2 more broadly.
If you've ever heard someone say that "sex before marriage is a sin," this is one of the passages they likely base that misunderstanding upon. Let's take a look together!

Genesis 2:24 Trailer

Matthew 19 Trailers
Matthew 19:4-6
Does this passage really help us to define marriage? What about those next half a dozen verses? Aren't they relevant, too?
This video is the one in the series that focuses on Jesus' own words. Do take a few minutes to consider the impact of this information!
Ephesians 5:31-32
This passage in Ephesians has a long and storied history, including being the source for claiming that marriage could be called a "sacrament." This video is the final one covering the passages that people use to define "biblical marriage," though it is the most complex of the four.
Be prepared to work through it slowly, if any of this content is new to you. It will be worth it!